Monday, November 15, 2010

Big Bully: Ezuin

School bullying has always been a problem. To me, ‘Bullying’ simply means making someone feels hurt, afraid, or uncomfortable. The reason why oneself would want to bully another person is, to make themselves feel good, get attention or gain power. But why bully? First, we must know that everyone is different and lives with different experiences. We cannot expect everyone to live life happily or how they wanted their to be. In this Spring article, Justin’s (Bully) reason for being involved in bullying is because no one gives him attention at home as both his parents are busy with their work and didn’t bother to talk to him. In contrast, his parents showed their love and concern towards his brother as he is good at studying. Thus, Justin concluded that to his parents he is just useless.
Sooner, Justin who used to be a quiet and meek boy, became rebellious by breaking every school rules as possible. He even uses physical and verbal bully to pick on his victims. The physical bully he did was pulling his school girls’ hair and hid their school bag. The verbal bully he did was making his victims do what they refuse to do like ordering them to let him copy their school assignments and force them to do homework for him. He also enjoyed picking on those that came from the well-to-do families. To him, it reminded him of his own happiness that he didn’t get from his family. However he did all this for reason/s. He just wanted to gain power and makes him stand out from the crowd. It's a way to get his parents’ attention towards him. Personally, it’s not wrong to do something to divert our parents’ attention towards us but in his case this is not the right thing to do. By hurting someone else is not going to solve the problems. He should find a better alternative way to attract his parents’ attention by doing something that they want him to be. Regretting in the end is pointless and crying over spilled milk pointless as you can’t turn back the time and the maximum you can do is to turn over a new leaf. In Justin’s case his parents and him are to blame. As parents, they are entitled to take care of their child’s welfare, ensuring their happiness, spending time with their kids equally and most importantly is, to show them love and concern. The main person to blame is the individual. He/she has the control of his/her body and mindset and can’t blame anyone for his/her doings. Hope these youths would find better alternatives than to commit themselves into ‘Bullying’ and hurt innocent people.

Below is a clip showing how parents and teachers could stop these bully cases.

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