Monday, November 15, 2010


Bullying can be seen in school commonly. Why is this so? Are the students lack of supervision from their parents so they went astray? In this article, Big Bully, from Spring Magazine Sept/Oct 2010 this boy who is the bully mentioned that his parents are busy working and have neglected him. Adolescene like him are in stages of growing up to adulthood is easily led to astray because teenagers will resort through playing tyrant to seek parents attention. Especially, when we feel our parents are neglecting us & we lack of parental loves & concern.

In my opinion, parents should spend more time with us despite their heavy workloads & they should treat each & every sliblings fairly. If parents favour the smartest or the most obedient one, the other sliblings will feel they are not being love & blame their parents for being baised. The boy in this article felt he is useless & good for nothing as compared to his younger brother who are smarter. His parents favour the younger brother and so he became rebellious to gain his parents attention.

Eventually, he formed a gang and recruiting his peers or the younger ones to join him. His gang members looking highly on him, and called him "Big Brother". He loves the attention given by his members in the gang because he couldn't get the attention from his parents at home. They play tryant in school, bullying the weaker ones to earn their respects.

When the accident had happened, his parent then felt regret for lacking supervision on him. It may be too late. Fortunately, the boy have realised his mistakes & willing to turn over a new leaf. He was given a second chance back to school to study.

I feel that parents & the school should work together to reduce bullying in school. Talks about bullying can be held in school, to gain awareness on the seriousness of bullying. The schools can arrange parents and teachers meeting session, so they can discuss on how their children behave in school and at home.Then correcting the students behaviour can be done. The media can also help to create awareness of bullying through advertisment or slogans.

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