Sunday, November 14, 2010


School Bullying is very common in school. In fact, almost everyone might have experience it before. School Bullying is not just saying hurtful remarks or physically bully. Cyber- bullying could be also another way that will affect and hurt someone adversely. For example, hurtful remarks on people’s blog could destroy someone’s reputation. This will definitely hurt the person and might cause them to be mentally bully. In such cases, School Bullying might also lead to unforeseen situations such as suicide.
After reading the “Big Bully” article, I am very glad that in the end, the bully has change a new leaf and promise not to repeat such a childish act. Everyone faces different challenges in life, if you are unable to cope with it. What makes you think that being a “Big brother” is something proud? In the article, the bully mentions about his neglection from his parents and he wanted attention. To me, I believe that it all started from individual belief. If he thinks that getting good results in school will gain attention from his parents. He should have study hard enough. Why must he be a bully? If he can’t even pass through the challenges in school, what makes him think that in future, he is able to cope with the challenges ahead?
Below is a video about a boy being called “Stupid”, unable to cope with this emotional stress being build up, he thought of killing himself.

After looking at this video, we can see that even calling names could have hurt someone badly and unnecessary troubles to them. To conclude, I urge everyone out there to be brave enough to fight back against bully. And to those bullies, change a new leaf and be brave enough to face challenges in life.

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