Monday, November 22, 2010

FaceBook Cop: Jia Yan

Personally I think that face-book is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode because anything could happen to the kids who are not mature or clever enough to handle difficult situation by their own.  It totally disregards the safety and privacy that face-book users needed to protect themselves from stalkers online. As stated in the article, face-book media have caused an 18 year old girl to be murder in an isolated bush land by a man. I think that without the privacy of the face-book being emplace, stalkers such as the man in the article will use this to his advantage to ask a person out. This might be done by telling the victims he have common interests in-between them and would like to meet in real life to have a chat.  I totally agree that face-book security must step up to prevent such things from happening. Thus with the stringent of Face-book in such as in Australia; the introductions of face-book ‘cop’, it will prevent these things from happening. Face-book ‘cop’ have impose a prevention of function link such as the Report Abuse which users could report their concerns to law enforcement. I think face-book would affect human relationships, take for example; face-book could be the connection with friends and family that can count on. No matter how far away you are from another person, face-book can still help you to connect to him/her right at that moment. This would build and strengthened via the face-book with each other; however you will tend to feel of having a distance with your friends/family, less emotional and weaker when physical contact is made. As previously comments I have made on the article (big bully), I think this would increase the percentage of cyber bullying. These people might even send others procrastination such as to bully other students who are weaker in mind via the cyber world. Hence, cyber bullying via face-book which could lead to victims to have emotional distress and may even have the idea of suicide, if the bully post a seriously problematic to them.    
Here is a case of a failed attempt teen kidnap caught by the local state police, which one of the kidnappers have communicated with a 14 year old girl for around a year via social networking; FaceBook.

Feedback control was being imposed to tighten up the secruity not just this school but all the schools in Kentucky 

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