Monday, November 15, 2010

1 in 4 secondary school students bullied: Safeena

1 in 4 secondary school students bullied: Safeena
From the article '1 in 4 secondary school students bullied', it tells us that bullying is rampant in schools today. Bullying simply means hurting others physically and emotionally. Examples of forms of bullying mentioned in the article were vulgar language,name-calling,spreading rumours,insulting victims in front of others,throwing things at victims and making things up to get victims into trouble. Why do teenagers resort to such acts?
  In my opinion, the root of bullying is home. The two common factors are lack of quality time spent between parents and child and domestic
violence. Lets talk about the first factor. In th 21st century, in many
households, both parents are working. They focus on earning more and
more money for their children  forgetting that what their children need more is quality time spend together with the parents. By spending time together, parents will have a chance to instill moral values in their
children. We do not expect parents to raise angels as children is always up to mischiefs. However when mischief crosses the line into the territory of harming other,this is where bullying comes into occurance.
Next is domestic violence. A child may be observing or experiencing
violence at home and eventually act it out upon others. In other words,
violence beget violence. Example, when parents fight frequently, children feel
frustrated. When they got no one to talk to, they will let out their
frustrations on smaller kids in school.  Another possibility might be, they
are being beaten up by abusive parents who might be suffering from
stress. As a result, a child might  feel that his or her self-esteem is being
threaten and therefore they bully others to feel good once again.
Therefore, I personally feel that parents play and important role in eliminating or at least
reducing the number of bullying cases in our country.
 Below is a video on how parents' behaviour may affects their children's behaviour.

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