Thursday, December 2, 2010

'why dont they text': Safeenabanu

Why don’t they text? : Safeenabanu
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
- Martin Luther King Jr.
If we try to relate the quote above to the article on ‘why don’t they text’, it tells us that in the end, married or not married, we will remember the silence of our friends. Therefore, a woman who is married will of course remember her pre-married friends. Friends whom she had spent good and bad times with. Friends, whom she had shared her feelings and laughter with, friends, both males and females. However referring to the article, a married woman does not have any problem staying in contact with her female friends. Rather, they have problem staying in contact with their male friends.
In regard to this, I feel that true male friends should not stop staying in contact with or messaging their married female friends. If they are true friends, they will spontaneously look for each other. They will feel the need to meet or talk to each other once in a while. They might want to talk about the interests which they share together. Being a wife does not mean that one shares exactly the same interests as the spouse. Also, true friendship means that they have to always remember the kindness of their friends who have helped them in bad times.
However, being a male friend, they should know their limit. For example, going to the movie is now out of the list unless the husband is present. They must always make sure that every action they do must not affect the married life of their female friends. On the other hand, the husband has to understand that his wife is a normal human being just like him who also has female friends. In addition, as a wife, it’s their responsibility to introduce their male friends to their husband as spouses normally do not like to be in the dark. The best is, having a mutual understanding among the three parties. In this case, no problem will arise and they will live happily ever after!
"The bird a nest,
the spider a web,
man friendship."
- William Blake
                                              HAVE A NICE DAY!

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