Saturday, December 4, 2010

Can married women have male friends: Jia Yan

Why Married woman can't have male friends: Jia Yan

Personally I think that married woman can still have male friends, it all depend on how their own perception; the way married women thinks of male friends. I think every different person on this planet is a product of different experiences. Be it, having male friends for married women; Unmarried men and married women as friends or married men and married women as friends or Husband’s male friends. Depending on these factors, whether or not women should be continuing to be talking or texting to their male friends. I believe that if woman are married, they can still be friends with male, but however if the male's perception thoughts could cause conflict between them then the woman should not be a friend of him. Negative situation may happen, for example the male friend may create havoc in the woman family which may lead to separation and divorce with her husband.

In addition, the woman may not get the custody of her children and thus get deprived of them. On the other hand, woman may even do not want the burden of her own children to be passed on them, thus children may suffer in the long run as they want freedom with no encumbrances.
As stated in the article I agree that it’s fine to keep friendships which were forged before the marriage. I think we need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young regardless of male or female friends. In addition, stated in the article “We all need friends, whether we’re single or married”, I believe that friends are important as friends are always there for us, to laugh in the happy or sad times, which serve us as one of the biggest supports in our life.
Friends are amongst those few people who accept us, rather like us, as we are. They never come into our life, expecting us to change for them. However, they correct us when we are at fault.

In conclusion, i believe that  married woman can have male friends, but it all depend on how the woman view the personality of the male characteristic and if she should continue be friends with him. 

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