Monday, January 10, 2011

Sleep deprivation can ruin your health!

Did you ever hear complaints from your peers that 24 hours a day isn't enough for them?

I did hear complains from my peers and personally, I also make complains that there is insufficient time for me to complete my tasks. What will student do when there is insufficient time for them to complete their projects or school works? Most of the students will sacrifice their sleeping hours to complete their workload. Eventually, students will deprive sleeping. In the article, Sleep deprivation can ruin your health, by Amy One mentioned a survey done on students whether they have sufficient hours of sleep. The survey results shown majority of the students are lacking the sufficient hours of sleep.

Sleep deprivation will cause a person to be less effective and efficient in work due to the lack of essential rest and increase of risk of serious diseases like heart diseases, depression, diabetes and even early death. These cause to worry as there is a rising trend of Singaporeans are deprived of sleep.

My recommendation is that the government, Health Promotion Board, must work closely with the school to educate the public and students on the importance of having an essential amount of rest for a body to function healthly. Health Promotion Board may held talks in school to highlight the dangers of sleep deprivation and educate them how to assess themselves if they are sleep deprived. In addition, talks like Time Management may also be held in school or public to educate them on time managing. In my point of view, time management is very important to people like us who are living in a fast-paced society. If you can manage your time, you should not have a problem of finding insufficient time. The media may help to deliver messages on how to assess if they are sleep deprived within the nation-wide will be useful to create awareness of sleep deprivation to a large extent.

Say "No" to sleep deprivation! You have adequate amount of rest of at least 8 hours of sleep a day that provide you an energetic body of the next day. Cheers!

I NEED SLEEP! Please do not disturb... Thank you.

From: Chee How

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