Monday, January 10, 2011

~EZUIN~Sleep deprivation can ruin your health
Sleep deprivation is rampant. Many Singaporeans do not get the sleep they need because their schedules do not allow adequate time for it and they do not know the negative effects lack of sleep can have on their health and functioning. Others are unable to get a good night’s rest due to sleep disorders, chronic pain, medications, hot flashes, stress or health conditions such as heart disease, depression, arthritis or heart disease.
One of such person who suffers from sleep deprivation is myself. I only get 3 to 4 hours of sleep each night although the recommended sleeping hours for teens is eight to nine hours of sleep at night. Do you think this is worst? I don’t think so, to some extent, some students that I know of, sleep for an hour or two per day. Yes! This is true.
So why aren't teens getting enough sleep? For one thing, they are staying up late. A variety of things can contribute to this night-owl tendency among teens, including social life, caffeinated drinks, electronic media such as computers, TVs and cell phones. Other factors include spending too much time on homework, and even depression. Adolescent work schedules are also a concern. Teens who work more than 15 hours a week at a job have less time for sleep.

Lack of sleep affects teens' ability to function at school. As stated in the article, sleep deprivation can affect mood, performance, attention, learning, behaviour and biological functions. In less clinical terms, daytime sleepiness makes it difficult to concentrate and learn, or even stay awake in class. Too little sleep may contribute to mood swings and behavioural problems. And sleepy teens who get behind the wheel may cause serious or even deadly accidents.
My recommendation is to encourage a short nap (30 minutes) after school with the alarm clock set, encourage a regular bedtime routine to help them unwind, dim the lights as bedtime approaches, go to bed and get up at the same time every school day, cut out late-night phone chats. Lastly, prolong your sleeping hours on the weekend, but no more than 3 or 4 hours later than their usual time, or it will disrupt body clock. Apart from all these, I am also cutting down my caffeine intake from 3 cups per day to one cup per week.
Well, the choice is entirely up to us whether we want to stay healthy or ruin your health just like that. Remember to sleep early and have an at least eight hours of sleep!

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